operation. well a barrier has been broken the genie is out of the bottle these are some of the headlines from news of a scientific breakthrough in cloning chinese researchers say that they have successfully cloned monkey is now the baby monkeys that you see here don t just look alike they are identical their clone using the same method which produced dolly the sheep two decades ago but there is a very important difference monkeys are primates just like us humans cloning a human technically is now possible me chills sean and they might just look like two cute baby mechanics but they also represent a breakthrough that has excited scientists around the world the monkeys are close the very first successful clones of a primate using the method to produce dolly research is that the chinese academy of sciences presented them to the public this week the purpose of doing loose monkeys
operation. well a barrier has been broken the genie is out of the bottle these are some of the headlines from news of a scientific breakthrough in cloning chinese researchers say that they have successfully cloned monkeys now the baby monkeys that you see here don t just look alike they are identical their clone using the same method which produced dolly the sheep two decades ago but there is a very important difference monkeys are primates just like us humans cloning a human technically is now possible me chills sean and they might just look like two cute baby mechanics but they also represent a breakthrough that has excited scientists around the world the monkeys are close the very first successful clones of a prime at using the method to produce dolly research is that the chinese academy of sciences presented them to the public this week the purpose of doing call me
next. me chills sean and they might just look like two cute baby mechanics but they also represent a breakthrough that has excited scientists around the wild the monkeys are close the very first successful clones of a primate using the method that produced dolly research is that the chinese academy of sciences presented them to the public this week the purpose of doing call me a monkey and use monkeys experiment animals is really for the human health for the cure in a few meant izzy s there are many other animal models you can use you can use mice was widely used but there has been difficulty. in using that as animal model for the human disease because mice are very far away from humans the process took over a year and one hundred twenty seven eggs almost eighty viable embryos and at bevy of host mothers to produce the two babies it s hoped the clones could be used to
a much anticipated guest at the world economic forum in davos really donald trump be able to reassure the world s movers and shakers that his america first policy is going to be good for them. hello and welcome thought she my good to have you with us we begin with a scientific breakthrough in china the big the monkeys that you see here just don t look like they are identical research just created them using the same killing method that produced dolly the sheep almost twenty years ago but the monkeys are primates like us humans and now the question is being asked are we next. me children and while they might just look like two cute baby mechanics but they also represent a breakthrough that has excited scientists around the world the monkeys are close
a science. so the greater in china the baby monkeys that you see right behind me they look like they re identical actually researchers created them using the same cloning method that produced dolly the sheep almost twenty years ago the monkeys are primates and just like us humans and now the question is being asked are we next me chills sean and why they might just look like two cute baby mechanics but they also represent a breakthrough that has excited scientists around the wild the monkeys are clothes the very first successful clones of a primate using the method to produce dolly research is that the chinese academy of sciences presented them to the public this week the purpose of doing it and use monkeys experimental animals is really for the human health for the cure in a few meant izzy s there are many other animal models you can use you can use mice