asked if he would kill baby hitler if he could go back in time. bush was not asked about abortion specifically but he did answer, hell, yeah, he would kill baby hitler. the whole thing pretty abhorr t abhorrent, really? the whole notion? pretty strange. donald trump s wife is carrying a 27$2700 clutch decorated with the flag. it is said to be made in italy. the stars and stripes may have been a more appropriate decoration for the event but the slovenia melania is an internationally born citizen who obviously enjoys her nation
would kill baby hitler. who had the better answer? i that is just very strange. this is another one of those strange things that ben carson says. and for jeb bush to say that, he s supposed to be a pro life candidate regardless of who the baby is. again, this is another example of the ben carson that we see out there saying the strangest things for the strangest reasons. it doesn t make any sense. s.e., is there a right answer to that question? they are both losers for answering a very stupid question. i mean, find me one voter. you find me one voter who cares about that question and i will allow any candidate to actually answer it. honestly, i m going to write a book about the 2016 election and it s going to be called, would you have killed baby hitler and other questions that came up, like, does going to prison make you gay? what was actually in the egyptian paramid-s? i mean, some of this stuff is
between trump and sanders supporters outside of the event. bernie, bernie, bernie. bernie. bernie. the campaign rally in illinois was trump s last scheduled event before tuesday s debate in milwaukee. now here s a question no presidential candidate has ever faced. would you kill baby hitler. jeb bush says hell yeah, he would. there s the enthusiasm. he made the comments in response to a poll that asked that question. 42 % of readers said they d do the same thing. i would. even if he was really cute? you have to step up, man. i mean, that would be key.
can figure out a way to avoid answering that bizarre question. there s only one seriously. there s only one answer. do you let this baby live and slaughter 6 million jews. anybody with another answer is out of their mind. i agree with you. let s go to newton, massachusetts, doris kearns goodwin writes introduction to the new book lion of the senate when ted kennedy rallied democrats in a gop congress. we ll get to that in a moment. dor doris, we ll put the hitler question behind us for now. when we were in brooklyn, we had this horrible saying what if you were in a room and you only had two bullets. what would you do the horrible answer is we would have to kill o malley to keep the dodgers in brooklyn. i would kill hitler absolutely.
you know, willie geist, we have baby hitler. why don t you explain this story. it was a hypothetical question that was posed to readers in a recent edition of the new york times magazine. it made its way to the presidential campaign. the question is, if you could go back and kill hitler as a baby, would you do it? the times polled readers. 30% said no. 28% said they weren t sure. after the times published its poll, someone e-mailed jeb bush asking him the same question. he talked about his answer in an interview with the huffington