Pregnancy exercise: A prenatal expert cancels these five misconceptions about exercising during pregnancy, including the idea you can only go for walks.
malformation like a short circuit to the heart. reporter: a radiologist at boston children s hospital typically treats these rare malformations right after a baby is born. but too often that can be too late. 50 to 60% of babies will get very sick immediately. for those, it looks like there is about a 40% mortality. reporter: so the team offered canada and derek something new. a chance to treat denver before she was born in-utero. keep in mind, in-utero surgery also means they had to take two patients to the operating room instead of one and then very carefully thread a catheter right into the middle of that gigantic blood vessel inside a very tiny baby brain. what was the biggest risk? i would say the biggest risk is the fear of injury to the brain. we are accessing the head through the skull and through the dura and back into the