Nomination forms of Congress candidates Nilesh Kumbhani and Suresh Padsala in Surat Lok Sabha rejected due to disavowed proposer signatures. High Court and Supreme Court actions planned. BJP interference alleged, with multiple candidates facing form scrutiny and objections in Gujarat elections.
SURAT: BJP can smell easy victory in Surat Lok Sabha constituency as Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani was pushed out of the May 7 elections in Gujar.
The candidature of Congress' Nilesh Kumbhani from Surat Lok Sabha seat in Gujarat was rejected on Sunday after the district returning officer prima facie found discrepancies in the signature of the proposers in the nomination papers. The nomination form of Suresh Padsala, the Congress' substitute candidate from Surat, was also invalidated, pushing Gujarat's principal opposition party out of the poll fray in the city.
India News: SURAT: BJP can smell easy victory in Surat Lok Sabha constituency as Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani was pushed out of the May 7 elections in Gujar.
The nomination form of Nilesh Kumbhani, the Congress candidate for the Surat Lok Sabha seat, has come under scrutiny.The election officer has provisionally invalidated Kumbhani's nomination after three proposers â€" Ramesh Palara, Jagdish .