COVID alert for Phuket passengers on van to Nakhon Sri Thammarat
COVID alert for Phuket passengers on van to Nakhon Sri Thammarat
PHUKET: All passengers who were in a public transport van from Phuket to Nakhon Sri Thammarat on Apr 14 have been asked to self-monitor for signs of COVID infection, following an alert issued by the Nakhon Sri Thammarat Provincial Public Health Office today (Apr 26).
The alert was issued today (Apr 26). Image: Nakhon Sri Thammarat Provincial Public Health Office
The van left the Phuket Bus Station in Phuket Town at 10am and reached its destination in Baan Hua Thanon in Nakhon Sri Thammarat’s Muang District at 4:30pm, said the alert.