i mean, she was ablest, like,s r where is your training? right. it was appalling to see and i haven t heard an apology. it hasn t comegy. it was appalling to see what exact was appalling.e repo the reporters pointing outrt th the interview was, quote, unusual. it wass unusual. that a candidate for senate s requires a giant screen in front of him at all times.es a a to answer fairly simple questions. look, as many of us know firsthand, being even a part time caregiver to a sick familyv member itself is verery difficut ,very trying. giv but this doesn t give anyone, any spouse the right to trash a reporter for actually doin agb a job. they certainly were aloul about protecting the press. trump was president . donald trump demonizeds th the press. he s called the press h the enemy of the people and he calls the press enemy of theav people. these reckless words have consequences, kind of language