Baalveer 3 was announced by the team recently which will star a brand-new cast. The show was one of the most popular one of its time on television and is all set to make a comeback with a new season. |
As per sources, Aditya Ranvijay Singh is roped in for the show but the character that will be essayed by him is still unknown. It will be interesting to know how this season will go about. |
Baalveer 3 was announced by the team recently which will star a brand-new cast. The show was one of the most popular one of its time on television and is all set to make a comeback with a new season. |
Baalveer 3 was announced by the team recently which will star a brand-new cast. The show was one of the most popular one of its time on television and is all set to make a comeback with a new season. |