Whom gathered in the wee hours of this morning at zuckerberg General Hospital. With that, our clerk is Alberto Quintanilla and mr. Clerk, if you could please call the roll, were going to have a very brief meeting and then we are going to adjourn to go have a press conference with our acting mayor london breed on the mayors balcony. Clerk item one, commissioner breed, breed absent. Commissioner cohen, present. Commissioner farrell, present. Commissioner fewer, fewer absent. Commissioner kim, kim present. Commissioner peskin. Present. Commissioner ronen, present. Commissioner safai present, commissioner sheehy, absent. Commissioner tang, present commissioner yee. Commissioner sheehy should be named present. Commissioner fewer, i spoke to a few hours ago, well take that without objection. Im going to forego the chair support, madam secretary director, are there any items you want to share . Any comment on the chairs report or executive directors report. Public comment is closed on items 2
I would like to say good morning, but its really not a very good morning. Welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority for today. It seems like its been a long day already, tuesday december the 12th. I just want to start the meeting by offering our condolences to the family of edwin lee, the 43rd mayor of the city and county of San Francisco and share all of our condolences with people of the city and county of San Francisco. I want to thank all of my colleagues on the board, many of whom gathered in the wee hours of this morning at zuckerberg general hospital. With that, our clerk is Alberto Quintanilla and mr. Clerk, if you could please call the roll, were going to have a very brief meeting and then we are going to adjourn to go have a press conference with our acting mayor london breed on the mayors balcony. Clerk item one, commissioner breed, breed absent. Commissioner cohen, present. Commissioner farrell, present. Commissioner fewer, fewer absent. Commissioner kim,
Share all of our condolences with people of the city and county of San Francisco. I want to thank all of my colleagues on the board, many of whom gathered in the wee hours of this morning at zuckerberg general hospital. With that, our clerk is Alberto Quintanilla and mr. Clerk, if you could please call the roll, were going to have a very brief meeting and then we are going to adjourn to go have a press conference with our acting mayor london breed on the mayors balcony. Clerk item one, commissioner breed, breed absent. Commissioner cohen, present. Commissioner farrell, present. Commissioner fewer, fewer absent. Commissioner kim, kim present. Commissioner peskin. Present. Commissioner ronen, present. Commissioner safai present, commissioner sheehy, absent. Commissioner tang, present commissioner yee. Commissioner sheehy should be named present. Commissioner fewer, i spoke to a few hours ago, well take that without objection. Im going to forego the chair support, madam secretary director
On campus, and dr. William roper. Over to you. Thank you. [applause] good morning, everyone. I think we ared, delighted to be here. Ares one that i think we looking forward to and i thought what we would do before we dive into the topic itself is to connect each of you with the topic area and your areas of interest and focus. You are a bio scientist with the cia, you can tell us what you do on a daily basis. Explains scientist who Scientific Concepts and technology to nonscientists. I do not rectus science in the lab anymore but i use my skills and background to write and policymakers when it to provide warning about the implications. My area is in biological weapons and my background is in virology and microbiology. Lieberman, we know you from your many incarnations, campaigns, but you have throughout your career a very serious focus on National Security and we will talk about this, youre also focused on biological crimes and terrorism. It is tell us more about that. Senator lieberman
They let people in at 10 300 because it was so cold outside o and so many people were lined up. Traffic causing major headaches though and it only got worse as the eveningaffic tg progressed. Congestion didnt ease upio inside either. In fact somen h. Waited in line for hours just ht to get to where they werewhere t going inside thehe resort. Rt. Association its is it i better this morning . Whats wha the scene this morning, annie . Nn reporter hey, goodey, good morning to you allison. Allison. Good morning, everybody. Or well, i canni tell you willyou l right now that were still sll seeing that mixed crowd of of people. We determined folks trying toed test their f luck on thoseho machines and table games. But everyone t seems to be ino e pretty good spirits. Ty gooir the drinks are definitelyinit flowing. Weve also got people showing si up now at this early hour to sort of check it out and gambling in isnt for everybody but as we have been rebuporting this is trulyt as aa destination a