Brusel - Evropská komise (EK) naléhá v souvislosti s krizí v Afghánistánu a se situací v Bělorusku na změnu evropských migračních a azylových pravidel. Na twitteru to
Spojené štáty minulý mesiac z Afganistanu do USA previezli prvú skupinu Afgancov, ktorí pracovali pre americkú vládu. Svoj personál z Afganistanu premiestnili aj Británia a Nemecko.
is any aid expected to get through today? reporter: we know of two aid trucks that appeared to have gotten through on the venezuelan-brazilian border, but that s according to the before z before zyl yan presidency. these violent clashes, two or three separate points certainly along the venezuela-colombia border and behind me here is still smoldering one of the aid trucks that was set fire to. as we ve seen these borders still closed as colombian officials say they re going to try to work out exactly how badly damaged infrastructure has been, at various locations on the border, colombian police