The Matthews Southwest founder and CEO has developed areas of Dallas others have eschewed and created partnerships with nonprofits and minority owners.
The deal between KERA and Kaizen Development Partners will see the broadcaster selling 2.4 acres of its 3.75 acre Uptown site, and building a new headquarters on the remaining property. The station has been headquartered there since 1960.
Dallas City Council approves $71 million project management services contract to Inspire Dallas, led by Matthews Southwest, Kaizen Development Partners, Azteca Enterprises, and nearly 30 subcontractors.
Built in 1954, the Dallas Parkland Hospital had become severely overcrowded and outdated. The largest public healthcare project in the country to be built in one phase, this AIA award-winning, LEED Gold project doubled the size of the old facility. This remarkable design incorporates over 4.5 acres of ALPOLIC MCM.