it s like, i could literally say antisemitic and they can drop me. i could say antisemitic things, and adidas can drop me. that clip is less than two weeks old, and man, how the tables have turned. this week, kanye west was finally held accountable after weeks of spouting offensive antisemitic tropes and conspiracies. companies including vogue, jpmorgan chase, balenciaga, gap and yes, finally adidas, all cut ties with west, which might cost him more than a billion dollars in lost revenue. but even punishing congress does not stop the spread of his disgusting beliefs. the washington post michel bernstein and isaac wrote this week that between trump and kanye west, antisemitism is back on full public display, though many longtime watchers note that has never really gone away. quote, but what aztec some
Most fertility goddesses are feminine, beautiful, and loving. Not in Aztec mythology! Meet Tlaltecuhtli: the insatiable sea monster demanding human sacrifice.
Initial Drill Results Extend the Broad California Zone Mineralization North with Step Out Intersections Including 0.44 gpT Au over 46.5m2,500 meter, Phase 3, Oriented Core Drilling Program now completeStep
The Aztecs kept skulls as trophies, flayed people alive, cannibalized their victims, and worshipped death gods. These artifacts give a terrifying insight into the Aztecs.