A WOMAN in Perak says she was sacked as a shop assistant after she accused her boss, the shop owner, of sexually harassing her, Kosmo! reported in its online edition.
PASIR MAS, April 4 The General Operations Force (GOF) seized 12 cows worth RM67,200 believed to have been smuggled from a neighbouring country in a raid near Kampung Tok Rusa, Meranti, here, last night. Kelantan ‘Op Wawasan’ field commanding officer, Supt Azhari Nusi said the seizure was.
PASIR MAS, Jan 16 Battalion 7 of the General Operations Force (GOF) has successfully foiled smuggling and cross-border criminal activities in ‘Ops Benteng Covid-19 Kelantan’, which began on December 16, recording seizure of nearly RM5 million. Its commanding officer Supt Azhari Nusi said in.