UPDATED: May 22, 2021 14:45 IST
Dramatic effect: A street play by CCN to raise Covid awareness
HOW DOES ONE explain the danger of Covid to people who have little direct experience of it such as the people of Ayodhya Hills in West Bengal’s Purulia? Members of the Covid Care Network (CCN) were faced with this problem while on a Covid-awareness drive.
For instance, the village headman of Ayodhya Hills said, “Covid is a phenomenon of polluted city life. It will never reach us.” It took some nimble arguments such as asking what would happen if an infected person was to travel to their village to convince people that mask wearing was essential. CCN members also made use of popular folk art, like Chhau dances and street plays, to explain what exactly Covid was, and the hundreds of people it was killing each day.