little bit and is it safe to do that? we know in the past that never trumpers or people who have broken ranks with president trump or have criticized him have faced a strong rebuke from republicans at the ballot box. i think that s the fear from a lot of republicans right now. this week president trump made the argument also that his desire to get foreign governments like ukraine and china to open investigations into the biden family is all about his corruption concerns, not about politics. then you have pompeo in greece saying, well, it s politically motivated by the democrats. listen to what he told cnbc reporter ayman javers. do you have foreign leaders for any corruption investigation that don t involve your political opponents? you know, we would have to look but i tell you what i asked for and what i always will ask for is anything having to do with corruption. so, julia, he didn t really have an answer to that.
don t think any of that will be something that mueller uses to go after the white house, but, but if the way he did business was so sloppy and so reckless and did touch on 2016 or collusion or russia or potential abuse of power, if that s what hand there are recordings of it i think that s within mueller s purview. the other point you have to look at when you talk about mueller is we keep hearing of the possibility of him actually interviewing the president. and if he has a volume of things that he knows and the president answers in a way that is untrue, if they in fact do ever have this interview, you talk about perjury, what is what has gotten other presidents into problems. i want to bring in washington correspondent ayman javers to talk about his new reporting on this development that the president was unaware that he was being recorded by michael cohen.
without their knowledge might be a little bit annoyed about it. that s just speculation on my part. the source not providing any information about what the president thought about all of this. did they characterize how many additional tapes they were aware of, even if the information on those tapes is, as you describe it, innocuous? yeah. the way the source described it as not aware of any substantive tapes, but they are aware of other tapes, plural, that contain innocuous things. you know, sort of the call me back kind of commentary. no information on exactly how many of those there might be. again, like i say, that doesn t necessarily rule out the possibility that other tapes exist. it just gives awe sense of exactly what the president s legal team knows as of right now. adding to the breaking news here. again, originally reported by the new york times. ayman there from cnbc reporting that president trump did not know he was being secretly recorded by his then attorney michae
donald trump handle dr. ben carson s status? if last night s comments are any indication, he s itching for a good fight with the good doctor and the rest of the field. will you get the numbers up, iowa, please? this is ridiculous. i mean, what is my competition? in all fairness, in ail fair what is my competition? do you think these guys i m not going to say carson. i m not going to say rubio who really is way down. i mean, i am second. it s not like terrible. but i don t like being second. second is terrible. to me. all right. so previewing the debate for us from boulder, chuck todd, michael steele, and ayman javers. do you expect a lower tier kand dates to go after them because
week. congress returns tomorrow, and president obama will meet with labor and progressive leaders. the president will host leaders of the business community on wednesday to try and enlist support before hosting congressional leaders from both parties on friday at the white house. in the meantime, more republicans are sounding open to compromise. i think there is a deal. look, the ying and yang of this is we know there has to be revenues, and i haven t met a wealthy republican or democrat in tennessee that s not willing to contribute more as long as they know we ve solved the problems. joining me now is washington correspondent a little bitz on millionaires. i don t understand why republicans don t take obama s offer to freeze taxes for everyone below 250,000. now joining me is ayman javers. you have two comments. top conservatives saying they