Earlier this month, Desmond Tan announced that his wife is pregnant with their first child, a daughter. Getting into the role of being a dad, the 37-year-old local actor shared his beliefs and values and what he aimed to impart to his daughter in an interview with local media 8world published today (Oct 24). He shared that his views and.
TV News - Actor Desmond Tan may have just announced his wife is expecting their first child, but he has already thought about what kind of father he wants to be. The 37-year-old shared what he planned to teach his unborn daughter, as well as future children, in an interview with. Read more at www.tnp.sg
TV News - Home-grown actor Desmond Tan is set to be a father soon. “Definitely the happiest news to share: Mrs Tan and I are welcoming a baby girl in 2024,” the 37-year-old wrote on Instagram on Wednesday. “Every day, we’re still in awe that we have a tiny miracle. Read more at www.tnp.sg
People who genuinely care about you will give you their honest feedback, even if it's tough. Local actor Ayden Sng's family is no different. The 29-year-old joined Mediacorp as a full-time artiste in 2019 after leaving his stable job as a tech consultant. Though his parents didn't encourage him to join showbiz, they didn't object to it either. He told.