will be able to apply for asylum for the united states. so, in other words, okay, you can try it again but try it down here. ainsley: border patrol sources the majority of them will be released into the united states. and then they will get a notice to appear at an ice office after 60 days. brian: which are basically unmanned. ainsley: isn t it interesting that the republicans don t like joe biden s policies and now you have all these democrats who don t either. steve: 100 percent. ainsley: ayanna pressley aoc and maxine waters saying this is taking us back to slavery days. steve: which shows why his poll numbers are tanking. terrible news with independents. that s coming up in the next hour. still ahead, the search for brian laundrie down in florida intensifies as a memorial is in the works for gabby petino. a live report from her hometown coming up next. brian: a high ranking u.s. service member steps down over the president s vaccine mandate. if i wanted to, i could