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but nonow, i i can open u up my worldd with v vabysmo. vabysmo isis the firstst fda-apapproved trereatment for peoplele with wet t amd that i improves vivision anand deliversrs a chancee for up to o 4 months between n treatmentsts. which h means doining morere of what i i love. vabysmo o is the only treatatment dedesigned to o block 2 causes o of wet amd.d. vabysmsmo is an eye injejection. don t takeke it if youou have an infectition or actitive swelliling in or arounund your eyeye, oror are allerergic to it tr anany of its i ingredientst. trtreatments l like vabysmso cacan cause eyeye infectioin oror retinal d detachment.. vavabysmo may y cause a tempororary increaease in e eye pressurure after receiviving the ininjection. althouough uncommomon, ththere is a p potential r rk of h heart attacack or stroke associateded with blood clclots. open u up your wororld! a chancece for up toto 4 monts between n treatmentsts with v vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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loan debt. mitt romney spoke about this issue asked forgive auto loans, forgive mortgages an put awet t a wealth tax on the super rich. what could go wrong? this isn t fair to other borrowers including those who have paid off their student loans. what do you say to senator romney? i feel like this is always the argument, what s next? we want a government that works for the people. we want to see people do better and we know that this is, as i said before, the easiest lever for the president to pull. what senator romney was talking about are private debts. that s not money owed to the federal government. keep in mind, the federal government is the banker to all these student loan borrowers and they never intended to be a bank. very quickly, dean.
they y customizee my car i insurance so i i only payy for whatat i need. caususe i do thihings a a bit differerently. wet t teddy bearars! wet teddy bearars here! only pay f for what yoyou ne. liberty. l liberty. libertrty. libert y. nicorerette knows,s, quitting smokining is freakaking hard. yoyou get advivice like: just stotop. get a a hobby. yoyou should m meditate. eat t crunchy fofoods. gogo for a runun. go foror 10 runs!! rurun a maraththon. are you kikidding me?!?! instead,d, start smamall. wiwith nicoretette. whwhich can lelead to somemethi. ststart stoppiping with ninicoe [ sneezingng ] arare your sneneezes puttitinr friends s in awkwardrd positi? stick k with zyrtetec. zyrtrtec startss workining hard at t hour one. .a.and works t twice as had whenen you take e it again the nenext day. zyrtecec. muddle n no more. (vo) imagine a visibly healthier pet in 28 days.