entire country, it s $8 billion for this year. not quite that amount for next year. if the entirety of the affordable care act is teetering on the brink because of the want of $8 billion with the number of billions of dollars, hundreds of billion dollars involved in this bill, it begs the question, how stable is the program overall? that s got to do that s awe multiplier effect, right? the issue is the law itself, correct? i don t think we re on the wrong side whether things should be done the right way or wrong way. it s the multiplier effect, it s all of the insurance companies who aren t sure the money will be paid so they make decisions that have much greater impact than $8 billion. so you would agree with me as a doctor yourself, you would agree that the insurance companies depend on a certain amount of stability in the planning. the issue as it stands today that instability has been there from day one, the way the