Smita Srivastava, a 46-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh, India, has secured a Guinness World Records title for having the longest hair on a living person, measuring an astounding 7 feet and 9 inches.
In a surprising turn of events at Bingil Bay Beach in northeastern Australia, beachgoers were astounded to witness a southern cassowary, renowned as the world's most dangerous bird, emerging from the ocean waters on a calm coastal day.
NeAndre Broussard is a visionary who uses clothing as a vehicle to uplift Black men all over the world, and his Black Menswear brand hosts events and flash mobs to show the power of dressing well and changing the narrative of who we are as Black men.
In an awe-inspiring display of grit, determination, and strength, India has emerged victorious, clinching not just one, but two remarkable medals on the inaugur