are leading in the democratic race, you know, you democrats can tell themselves the story of how each of them could lose to donald trump. now, the polls say that any of them would beat donald trump right now, but of course these are hypothetical matchup polls way too, you know, national polls way before the blectionel but there s a shadow of a doubt about all four of them justified or not, because they re all good politicians and they all know how to run campaigns. but there s enough to of that, i think, just to create an opening for democrats to look around a little bit more. so so there s a possibility there. joe, i want to go back to a ward th word that walter use. to me, bloomberg can go at trump more than any other candidates,
moonlight lalaland producer told them there s been a ç mistake, moonlight won and this is not the joke. envelope, mistakenly had was for best zvactress, an award th went to emma stone. here is what she had to stay about the mix up. we are so excited for ht @(t% moonlight. i think it s one of the best films of all time. i was pretty beside myself. i was alsoç holding my best actress in the lead i don t mean to start stuff. whatever story that was, i have that card. i m not sure what ÷úhappened. i really wanted to talk to you guys first. yeah, just clarifying there were two cards backstage and that s where the mix up÷ú was. the moonlight s win there were other memorable moments. lalaland may not won best÷ú