Sunny Khan Durrani has released three albums. Siyaah, from which he has released new material this year, is his fourth studio-length album slated to release in 2023.“Come as you are, as you were/As I want you to be/As a.
Dubai-based writer Ayesha Banerjee and director Neeraj Mehta take a nick at those judged by their outer appearances and confront casual racism in their latest short film ‘Kaali Peeli’, releasing on YouTube on December 14.
The compelling three-minute film trains the spotlight on a young girl, Maya (Lyla Beg), who wakes up in the middle of the night and stands in front of the mirror with her mother’s phone torchlight examining her face. Dubai-based writer Ayesha Banerjee.
The reason? Her classmate Kishen had mocked her about her dark skin colour and told her that she would be invisible in the dark even if a torchlight shone on her. But she gamely observes: “But I am not invisible … What a silly boy!”