we re going to do a w a ilitse. to do a take a pillow on the couch. first thing is stretch straight up. and then you re going to stretch out. hold for ten seconds. move to the left, hold for ten seconds. move to the right, hold for ten seconds. very basic but flexibility is an this part is kind of your absolutely. you definitely want to stretch prior to w let me get my super workout shoes onuch. i m going to go out for ten seconds. up for ten seconds. i hope this is one of the easier ones because i m so not flexible. it s one of the most important parts. where exactly am i getting the stretch? i m feeling it in my hamstrings. that s the number on pla okay, how many sets? is there sets you should do with this? probably three sets of ten seco probably is a good place to start. i think this one is easy enough. i won t make it too easy on you. number two will go into an