The standard model of particle physics has stood the test of time for decades, but now a new measurement of a particle called the W boson could indicate a chink in its armour
made a measurement that could change physics forever. researchers here have discovered that the mass of a subatomic particle called a w boson is not what it should be. and in the world of physics, that s a huge deal. the world could look very different. it could mean that the standard model as we know it is wrong, or it needs to be modified in some important way. it is also possible that there are other fundamental particles out there waiting to be discovered, and our colleagues around the world will have a lot of fun discovering them. the standard model is one of the most important theories in physics. and in the journal nature, researchers say this might be the first time it s been shown to be wrong. everything in the world around us is made from atoms, which in turn are made from even smaller particles. their interaction can be explained by the standard model and for over 50 years, it s predicted their behaviour perfectly with no errors whatsoever until now. more experiments wil
Scientists have made new findings regarding the W boson, a fundamental particle, in a new research published in the Science journal.
The study shows that it has a significantly greater mass than previously theorised in the Standard Model of particle physics.
During the research, more than 400 scientists scrutinised four million W boson candidates out of a "dataset of around 450 trillion collisions" for over over 10 years.
elected in 2019, critics say economic mismanagement, sweeping tax cuts and high borrowing mean he should take the blame for this crisis. this has grown into a movement to oust a political family which has run sri lanka with an iron fist. and until they go, protesters say they ll stay. physicists carrying out experiments at a laboratory in the american state of illinois say they have found an unexpected value for the mass of a sub atomic particle. the team concluded that the particle, known as a w boson, was more massive than predicted by theories , and described the result as shocking. the discovery could lead to the development of a new, more complete theory of how the universe works.