GW One
Posted at 09:48h, 31 December
This might be a bad joke but for the fact that the transaction is fraudulent. States Attorney should take this matter up right now. If the States Attorney fails to engage I will refer this fraudulent transaction to other authority that would see this matter for just what it is.
John Q. Public
Posted at 11:28h, 31 December
Wow – the Township Supervisor runs a “non-profit.” The Township Electors, which the Supervisor – in essence, oversees or has a direct relationship with – “purchases” a house. The electors then vote to sell the house to the non-profit that the Township Supervisor runs???? I continue to be amazed at the crap that elected or other public officials do, and think 1-that it’s ok and/or 2-that no one is going to say, do, or question them about it. Did they not think there would be an appearance of impropriety or at least some questions in this purchase and re-sale? I’m not alleging there was any criminal intent. P