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trouble going, flow starts and stops. and going often at night are due to bph, also called enlarged prostate. he says over time, avodart has been shown to shrink the prostate, improve urinary symptoms, and reduce the risk of prostate surgery. only your health care provider can tell if your symptoms. are from bph and not a more serious condition. like prostate cancer. do not donate blood until 6 months after stopping avodart. tell your doctor if you have liver disease. rarely sexual side effects, swelling or tenderness. of the breasts can occur. avodart is for men only. women should not take or handle avodart. due to risk of a specific birth defect. today s the day to talk to your doctor. about your urinary symptoms and find out. if avodart is right for you. jack cafferty is here with the cafferty file. hey, jack. suzanne, the democrats ain t getting it done.
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trouble going, flow starts and stops. and going often at night are due to bph, also called enlarged prostate. he says over time, avodart has been shown to shrink the prostate, improve urinary symptoms, and reduce the risk of prostate surgery. only your health care provider can tell if your symptoms. are from bph and not a more serious condition. like prostate cancer. do not donate blood until 6 months after stopping avodart. tell your doctor if you have liver disease. rarely sexual side effects, swelling or tenderness. of the breasts can occur. avodart is for men only. women should not take or handle avodart. due to risk of a specific birth defect. today s the day to talk to your doctor. about your urinary symptoms and find out. if avodart is right for you.
are from bph and not a more serious condition. like prostate cancer. do not donate blood until 6 months after stopping avodart. tell your doctor if you have liver disease. rarely sexual side effects, swelling or tenderness. of the breasts can occur. avodart is for men only. women should not take or handle avodart. due to risk of a specific birth defect. today s the day to talk to your doctor. about your urinary symptoms and find out. if avodart is right for you. i m jon scott, jane skinner and i will see you in 15 minutes on happening now and when we do, our guest, senator joseph lieberman and oh, so much to ask him about, should the u.s. put troops on our southern border with mexico and his efforts to get answers from administration, about what happened that led up to the fort hood massacre, also you may have seen the video, this morning buddy, the heroic