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A nearly $45 billion budget with no tax increases in an election year.
That’s what Gov. Murphy proposed yesterday. And with no sign of the pandemic-related holes we were expecting earlier in the pandemic. You know, when the state borrowed $4.5 billion.
N.J. sues U.S. military, wants feds to pay for tainted drinking water cleanup
Updated Jan 14, 2021;
Posted Jan 14, 2021
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst is known to have high-levels of PFAS contamination.Michael Mancuso | NJ Advance Media file photo
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For decades, the U.S. military used a special foam to fight fires on bases around the Garden State. That foam, and the toxic chemicals inside it, slowly seeped into the surrounding area and throughout groundwater supplies, according to New Jersey authorities, compromising the safety of nearby drinking water.
Now, New Jersey wants Uncle Sam to clean up the mess.
On Thursday, the state Attorney General’s office and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection announced a lawsuit against the federal government over long-standing water pollution on and near military bases in the Garden State.