Data analytics is one of the fastest-growing career options and is now a priority for top organizations; so its necessary to know what exactly data analytics is?
New college grads are in for some reverse sticker shock. A recent survey by Clever Real Estate found that while the average starting salary for college graduates is $55,260, current college students.
Nursing | BGSU
BGSU’s Bachelor of Science in nursing degree prepares students for jobs as registered nurses. You can enter one of many care-centered specializations and find rewarding, flexible and enjoyable work across the entire spectrum of the health sector.
Students will be prepared to provide safe and person-centered care to diverse populations across the lifespan using evidence-based practice. BGSU Bachelor of Science in nursing graduates will use leadership and clinical judgment skills to improve the spectrum of complex healthcare issues throughout Ohio, the nation and the world.
Quality classroom experiences
Our Ohio based state-of-the-art nursing skills and simulation center provides students with hands-on experiences and realistic patient scenarios that promote clinical judgment. The lab space is filled with audio/visual equipment to assist students in guided reflection and debriefing sessions on their nursing practice. The 23-bed skills lab space wil