Shares of Adani Power Ltd fell after five sessions on Friday amid weakness in the benchmark indices. The Adani Group stock fell up to 3.73% to Rs 618.15 against the previous close of Rs 642.15.
ITC share price today: ITC shares, which hit a high of Rs 481.40 on January 4 was trading at Rs 421 in the current session. In comparison, benchmark Sensex has gained 2.82% during the period.
Shares of Cochin Shipyard hit a record high today. The defence stock climbed 10.21% intraday to Rs 1,085 on BSE. Market cap of the defence stock climbed to Rs 28,231 crore.
Stocks that were in focus included names like Indus Towers, which rose 8.26%, HAL, which jumped 2.2%, and Prestige Estates, whose shares gained 7% on Monday.