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TAMPA, Fla., April 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ CIC Credit, a Florida Corporation, has partnered with Talk uments a leader in LEP solutions. Talk uments is a digital tutorial that takes a loan applicant step by step through their specific loan, costs, process, and disclosures. As the first fintech of its kind, Talk uments provides an automated way to provide transactional clarity to the mortgage loan process. The key is how simple the process is for the borrower to show their level of understanding of their specific loan.
We Complete the Digital Loan Experience
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The concept of a digital loan transaction revolves around ease of use, transparency, and a more meaningful experience. Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers have adopted the digital world. Talkuments gives consumers what surveys say they want: interactive loan information. Talkuments strengthens confidence in the consumer s choice of lender, leading to more loan origination