Dear Editor: The American Legion Unit 20 and its Auxiliary Unit 20 of Sterling, Colo., will be celebrating 100 years of its founding charter on Dec. 7, 2023. One hundred years have passed since groups of men and women gathered to support veterans and their families of all military branches. The veterans formed the Legion, […]
The last trip for Honor Flight Maine (HFM) was, once again a big success and a very memorable one for all those on the trip and those of us at home who supported it. Each of the 49 veterans came home with memories that I am sure they won’t forget.
THOMASTON On Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023, at 5 p.m., the Williams-Brazier Post 37 will host another special supper as a fundraiser for Santa’s Workshop, to be held on December 6, 2023. This supper will be Seafood Chowder. This will be the last supper.
THOMASTON — On Nov. 4, 2023, at 5 p.m., the Williams-Brazier Post 37 will host a special supper as a fundraiser for Santa’s Workshop, to be held on Dec. 6,