illegal. the search warrant that resulted in the seizure of the computer was found to be invalid. furthermore, that dramatic trial within a trial about michael s long-dead friend in germany? well, a change in north carolina state law regarding the that story either. the male escort is gone, the death in germany is gone, the expert blood testimony is gone. you re left with the autopsy pictures. reporter: yeah? the medical examiner s testimony. and maybe the prosecution s theory for motive. is that enough? p reporter: the stars seemed to be aligning for michael peterson. perhaps vindication was at hand. but one final twist was on the way. i said, well, that s just not going to happen. i would go back to prison before that happens. i won t do it. coming up, michael makes a choice that rocks everyone in the case.
google s are, are they though? depends where you are. in florida es, discovery is public. those images would be public. although there s also a law in florida that says autopsy pictures are not allowed to be put in the public domain in most cases. but in this case we re talking about an open field, public property. and google didn t break any laws in order to take the images. it will be very difficult for the father to be able to hold google liable. which is why i think a more of a public service campaign that try to appeal to google s ethical standards may be, may be going further in the longer, in the end, it may jenna: making the point too, tom, a slippery slope, taking the other side of the coin. take one picture down though where do you draw the line as google, as the company for when you take photos down and when you don t? that is absolutely right, jenna. this may prompt a fairly just and possibly successful campaign to possibly introduce at least
to do with asking that question. sometimes lawyers, we have egos and pushes us too far when probably the smart thing to do is be strategic, respectful and win your case on a point, not like that point meant nothing and in relation to the innocence or guilt of his client. all right. trayvon s mother got up there today and walked out of the courtroom and i believe there s autopsy pictures on the screen. it was that sort of planned or given notice that that was going to happen? coming up? what was most of the trial we have had some notice when the pictures are going up. today no notice of the fact they re going up and say, too, she has every night not to be there. i didn t mean it that way. i was not critical of her and only curious if the procedure here. was the heads up was given to the family. that was only part of the i didn t think of that. okay. i think most of the time she
to do with asking that question. sometimes lawyers, we have egos and pushes us too far when probably the smart thing to do is be strategic, respectful and win your case on a point, not like that point meant nothing and in relation to the innocence or guilt of his client. all right. trayvon s mother got up there today and walked out of the courtroom and i believe there s autopsy pictures on the screen. it was that sort of planned or given notice that that was going to happen? coming up? what was most of the trial we have had some notice when the pictures are going up. today no notice of the fact they re going up and say, too, she has every night not to be there. i didn t mean it that way. i was not critical of her and only curious if the procedure here. was the heads up was given to the family. that was only part of the i didn t think of that. okay. i think most of the time she
testimony, sybrina fulton, on the stand. on the stand she was very convincing. i actually thought that was going to happen. i think his brother would have been the best final witness. i think that his brother was a handsome, articulate, educated young man and i think that he really came across as putting a life back to trayvon, which would have been very beneficial to the prosecution because now you re not dealing with this young man in the abstract but here is his living, breathing brother who presented very, very well and i think that s something the jury would well empathize with. i think their strategy was very simply they would get the emotion of that and have the m.e. come in with these autopsy pictures, which are just what