further production of c-17 transport planes which they already have in surplus and needs no more of, that pretty much says it all. to be fair, mr. gingrich cited other items in calling mr. obama a socialist, like the bank bailout, which was president bush s act, and the automotive a beca bailout, which president bush was pushing as his term expired. but in the modern era, the greatest redistribution of income, especially the specialty of socialists, was in fact produced by president reagan. redistribution from the middle and lower classes to the upper class. and the recent bank bailout, of course, began under president bush. and the biggest new entitlement since the heyday of social security and medicare was the medicare prescription drug program from the bush administration, underfunded, therefore deficit financed. but through mr. gingrich s eyes, it is president obama that believes that government is smart, you re stupid. and of course he believes in the unsaid gingrichian corollary,