Research on academic integrity used to focus more on student character and behaviour. Now this research includes wider viewing of this issue as a current teaching and learning challenge which requires pedagogical intervention. It is now the responsibility of staff and institutions to treat the creation of a learning environment supporting academic integrity as a teaching and learning priority. Plagiarism by simply copying other people’s work is a well-known misconduct which undermines academic integrity; moreover, technological developments have evolved plagiarism to include the generation and copying of computer-generated text. Automated paraphrasing tool (APT) websites have become increasingly common, offering students machine-generated rephrased text that students input from their own or others’ writing. These developments present a creeping erosion of academic integrity under the guise of legitimate academic assistance. This also has implications for arrival of large language m
Many of us grew up in a world where being able to instantly and accurately translate documents at the click of a button was impossible. Yet today, the technological solutions available to us to manipulate information have evolved to a point beyond what many of us would have predicted in a short space of time. As our ability to manipulate information and ideas through technology continues to grow, we are able to transform language in other ways, and in the area of Higher Education, this has now extended to our ability to paraphrase: the art of expressing the same ideas and information in other words.