and she s going to need a doctor once you falls out of that thing all right moving on to expression is a painter and print maker auto dix now he was known for his harshly realistic and satirical depictions of german life during the one nine hundred twenty s. he captured the mood and the decadence of that time with a critical eye and now for the first time over three hundred of his works are on display in germany under one roof giving visitors a look back into another time. a building filled with works by auto dicks on four floors and him poor young for fans of expression and start but it s not just the sheer number and range of works that sets this exhibition apart but we have at least one work of art bell to dick s for each year from nine hundred twelve thousand nine hundred sixty nine when i could so it s a truly comprehensive retrospective. if if you want
a first flying lesson with us. congratulations on your first flight. and she s going to need a doctor when she falls out of that thing all right moving on to expression is painter and print maker auto dix now he was known for his harshly realistic and satirical depictions of german life during the one nine hundred twenty s. he captured the mood and the decadence of that time with a critical eye and now for the first time over three hundred of his works are on display in germany under one roof giving visitors a look back into another time. a building filled with works by auto dicks on four floors and in poor young for fans of expression a start but it s not just the sheer number and range of works that sets this exhibition apart. we have at least one work of art bell to dick s for each year