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The Philadelphia Protection of Displaced Contract Workers Ordinance offers job protections to workers providing security, janitorial, building maintenance, food and beverage, hotel service, or health care services who are employed by service contractors, and are displaced when the service contract is terminated and awarded to another service contractor.
1 A recent amendment to the Ordinance significantly expands its scope to impose obligations on a business that decides to no longer utilize its own employees to provide a covered service, but instead decides to outsource that work to a separate entity – a service contractor. Employees impacted by such decisions are now protected under the Ordinance.. Now, when an employer outsources its covered jobs to a service contractor, the service contractor must make written offers of employment to the employer’s former employees (or maintain a preferential hiring list by s
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The Philadelphia Protection of Displaced Contract Workers
Ordinance offers job protections to workers providing security,
janitorial, building maintenance, food and beverage, hotel service,
or health care services who are employed by service contractors,
and are displaced when the service contract is terminated and
awarded to another service contractor.
1 A recent amendment to the Ordinance significantly
expands its scope to impose obligations on a business that decides
to no longer utilize its own employees to provide a covered
service, but instead decides to outsource that work to a separate