Continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing house of representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the house of representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach donald john trump, president of the United States of america. Section 2. Open and transparent investigative proceedings by the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence for the purpose of continuing the investigation described in the first section of this resolution, the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence referred to in this resolution as the Permanent Select Committee is authorized to conduct proceedings pursuant to this resolution as follows. One, the chair of the Permanent Select Committee shall designate and open hearing or hearings pursuant to this section. Two, notwithstanding clause 2j2 of rule 11 of the rules of the house of representatives, upon recognition by the chair for such purpose during any hearing pursuant to paragraph 1, the chair and ranking minori
Trump, president of the United States of america. Section 2. Open and transparent investigative proceedings by the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence for the purpose of continuing the investigation described in the first section of this resolution, the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence referred to in this resolution as the Permanent Select Committee is authorized to conduct proceedings pursuant to this resolution as follows. One, the chair of the Permanent Select Committee shall designate and open hearing or hearings pursuant to this section. Two, notwithstanding clause 2j2 of rule 11 of the rules of the house of representatives, upon recognition by the chair for such purpose during any hearing pursuant to paragraph 1, the chair and ranking minority member of the Permanent Select Committee shall be permitted to question witnesses for equal specified periods of longer than five minutes as determined by the chair. The Time Available for each period of questioning under t
Justin amash voted in favor. We will show you the floor debate before the vote which began with a reading of the resolution. Gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Mcgovern by direction of the committee on rules i call up House Resolution 660 and ask for its immediate considering. The speaker the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk House Resolution 66, 0 resolved that the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence, the committees on Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, the judiciary, oversight and reform, and ways and means are directed to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing house of representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the house of representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach donald john trump, president of the United States of america. Section 2. Open and transparent investigative proceedings by the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence for the purpose of continuing the investigation d
Good morning, everyone. This is bloomberg surveillance. There is quite a lot of going on in the markets. It is what is happening with crude oil, 59. 21. That is nymex. Brent is much higher. We have to look at some of the prices at nymex. It is having a huge impact across the board. We are seeing stocks relate to oil price as well. If we have a look at the airlines that have been impacted. Lets get that board up, ryanair down 2. 7 . Bp worried about possible shortages. We will have a lot more on the story. A lot more on the barranco attack. Get to thets bloomberg first word news with viviana hurtado. Viviana would begin with Boris Johnson. A law would stop him from forcing through a no deal brexit. We have been told he will reject any deadline extension. Ahead of the Prime Ministers first negotiations today with European Commission president. Over to hong kong, this we can protesters set fire to a subway station. Police hit back with tear grass and Water Cannons. It is now into its four
Present. Commissioner safai. Absent. Commissioner stefani. Present. Commissioner walton. Present. Chair, we have quorum. Thank you you have an announcement. Members interested in participating we walk here in person in the chamber room 250 in city hall or channel 26 or 99 or streaming live. Wish to make comment remote dial 4156550001, access code 2591 446 2834 you will upon listen to the meet nothing real time when Public Comment is called press star 3 to speak. Do not press it again and you will be removed from the queue. Public comment for items on the agenda be taken first from the members in attendance in the chamber and after from the remote speakers on the phone line. Thanks we might have a line we need to mute, may be . I have a note excuse commissioner chan that is wrong. I see her. I do need to excuse vice chair melgar. I will do that unless there are objections and before our next item rule 3. 26 to limit the comment 30 minutes. Each have 2 minutes to speak unless i indicate