and rumors like how many shooters there are. other police outside a riot. it was really scary. there is a woman who had to stay behind a little bit for evacuation. she was changing her diaper for her child. it was terrifying, actually. the gunman was killed at the scene by a police officer who happened to be at the outlived responding to a different matter. but neither his avidity nor those of the victims had been released as of yet. according to a database maintained by the associated press in usa today, this is the 27th mass killing the sierra. and the second deadliest after the monterey park massacre were 11 people were killed during lunar new year celebrations in january. joining me now, live from allen texas is nbc news correspondent morgan chesky also with us is jim kavanaugh, retired atf special agent in charge who was previously facing dallas for a period of time. msnbc terrorism analyst. morgan, one of the league is my friend that your hearing on the ground about t
the one thing i really if you can help us wrap your head around this. over the, years you ve noted the gun industry has embraced this military style weapon. selling into the public. how did that happen. how did we get on this track where an ar-15 now people wearing lapel pins of the gun on their clothing in congress. remember, this is the totemic issue for many in the republican party. because nothing conveys power and authoritarian-ism like a loaded gun. nothing. that s where people that s why armed men marched to the mission capital caring ar-15s. they don t have ice cream sunday, they have ar-15s. because that s what conveys the authoritarian power. responsible gun owners are not for that. what happened was 15 1820 years ago, the nra figured out that the singular symbol that thing that lapel pin. that would be the totemic thing for them to own the libs with. here we are.