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Fool s Errand Reviewed By Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures com

Author: Jeffrey S.StephensPublisher: PostHill PressISBN: 978-1-64293-738-1Jeffrey S. Stephens latest novel, Fool s Errand, tells the story of a son sdiscovery of a letter from his father six years after his dad sdeath.During his lifetime, hisdad, known as Blackie was constantly boasting about the "BigDeal" or the huge score he was about to carry out to

In Conversation With Suzy Beamer Bohnert Suzy has recently written College, Covid, and Questions: Tips and Advice for Incoming Freshmen, Undergraduates, Transfer Students, and Parents

 College,Covid, and Questions:  Tips and Advice for Incoming Freshmen,Undergraduates, Transfer Students, and Parents. Growing up Suzy playedsports participating in leagues, playing in gyms, and gathering theneighborhood kids to join in pickup games until the streetlights weretoo dim to light the sporting site.   She launched her writingcareer as a newspaper sports editor. During that job, Suzyinterviewed numerous coaches, athletes, and fans about sports,putting complicated games into simple words. An author of manyacclaimed books for readers, her award-winners include  Game-DayYouth:  Learning Baseball’s Lingo, a Mom’s ChoiceAward-winner for “Most Outstanding Nonfiction Children’sBook”;  Game-Day Youth:  Learning Basketball’s Lingo,named Best Books for Teen Boys by the New Hampshire Library MediaAssociation; 

In Conversation With Sterline Mire Author of The Aom System: Manifestation Mastery in 30 days

The Aom System: Manifestation Mastery in30 days. Sterlingis from Texas where she graduated from Arts Magnet, a performing artshigh school, and received professional training in Dallas, which ledher to Los Angeles. Thereshe acted in several feature films, one of which led to her discoveryby a major music label and a more substantial career in thatindustry. Duringthis time, she also researched through books, college-level coursesin psychology, and workshops ways of manifesting one s dreams. In1998 she began to develop her unique Art of Manifestation - AOM ©System from personal and group testing that create 90-95% completionrates for her trail testers. Afterusing it to launch her musical career, she returned to develop hersystem further and make it available to the general public.

In Conveersation With Jay Bushman author of Novel Advice: Practical Wisdom for Your Favorite Literary Characters

Novel Advice: Practical Wisdomfor Your Favorite Literary Characters. Jay writes for many kindsof media. Jay works at the intersection of traditional and emergingformats, reinterpreting and reimagining classic stories in new ways.   He won an Emmy for hiswork as a writer and transmedia producer on the groundbreaking series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, an interactive adaptation of Prideand Prejudice. Welcome ToSanditon. Dirty Work, and wrote and created the show AirshipDracula.  For his experimental workin social media storytelling—including writing one of the firstTwitter novels—he was dubbed as “The Epic Poet of Twitter” byNew Scientist Magazine, and an “Enterprising Fabulist” by VanityFair.

In Conversation With Sterling Mire Author of The Aom System: Manifestation Mastery in 30 days

The Aom System: Manifestation Mastery in30 days. Sterlingis from Texas where she graduated from Arts Magnet, a performing artshigh school, and received professional training in Dallas, which ledher to Los Angeles. Thereshe acted in several feature films, one of which led to her discoveryby a major music label and a more substantial career in thatindustry. Duringthis time, she also researched through books, college-level coursesin psychology, and workshops ways of manifesting one s dreams. In1998 she began to develop her unique Art of Manifestation - AOM ©System from personal and group testing that create 90-95% completionrates for her trail testers. Afterusing it to launch her musical career, she returned to develop hersystem further and make it available to the general public.

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