We must reject bureaucratic centralism, sects of one and diplomatic unity-mongering. Instead, we must uphold the right to engage in sharp polemics and form factions, says Mike Macnair. This is an edited version of his January 21 Online Communist Forum talk
Some claim that fighting for national liberation is a diversion from “real” class struggle. That was not the position that Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin took.
There’s an indelible scene in Todd Gitlin’s 1987 book “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” in which he and other leaders of Students for a Democratic Society
Austria: Green Party continues deportation policy of the far-right Freedom Party
The brutal deportation of three Austrian-born minors last week clearly shows that the parties involved in the Austrian coalition government including, above all the Greens have fully adopted the policies of the far-right Freedom Party.
Last Thursday, a group of people, including three minors, were taken from a deportation centre in Vienna-Simmering and flown to Georgia and Armenia. Around 160 people protested against the deportations.
Police drag away a protester (video clip)
The deportation of women and children was carried out with precision and extreme brutality by a large contingent of police. According to several observers at the scene, special police units were present wearing masks and accompanied by police dogs. Witnesses compared the police action to an “anti-terrorist operation.” According to several participants in the protests, the security forces made fun of their victims, making cle