Delivered a supersized cut aimed at bolstering the us market. The first in over four years brings its key interest rate, the federal funds rate, its key interest rate, the federalfunds rate, down to between 4. 75 and 5 . It comes amid signs that inflation in america is continuing to fall while Thejob Market America is continuing to fall while the Job Market remains strong as unemployment has risen this year. Risen this year. The Labour Market is risen this year. The Labour Market is actually risen this year. The Labour Market is actually in risen this year. The Labour Market is actually in solid| market is actually in solid condition, and our intention with condition, and our intention with our condition, and our intention with our Policy Move to is to keep with our Policy Move to is to keep it with our Policy Move to is to keep it there. You can say that about keep it there. You can say that about the keep it there. You can say that about the whole economy. The us economy about the wh