Former Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello has slammed the Australian government for overreacting to Covid and subjecting residents to draconian and unnecessary restrictions.
Photo - Whitsundays a honeymoon delight
We had someone from New Zealand visiting and it was the first time they had seen ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ - like my wife she became an avid viewer of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ – in their view every girl’s dreams is wearing the wedding dress.
Is there a social conspiracy with all this.
A recent Huffington Post article on Australian marriage statistics gave rise to me pondering whether marriage is in many cases, conspiratorial.
Australians have generally seen marriage as a wonderful exciting celebration of a man and a woman where family gets together in both solemness and festivities. Television programs such as Yes for the Dress highlight the dramas associated with this kind of traditional marriage (my wife Delma delights in this show).