From the Archives, 1928: The first solo flight from England to Australia
By Staff Writers
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World-Wide Congratulations
Australia at last!
I landed at Darwin shortly before 6 p.m., after flying over the sea practically the whole way from Bima. I found Bima inconvenient. I put up in a nativeâs hut and, bitten continuously by mosquitoes, I could not sleep.
I was out at 4 a.m. ready to start for Darwin. I had a tricky climb with a full load out of the mountains, and then set out for the open sea.
I passed over Kupang about 10.30 a.m. Then came more monotonous seaâI was over the Timor Sea for about five hours, and my first sight of AustraliaâBathurst Island caused great joy in the cockpit. âHINKLER.