here age-old relationships between animals, people and trees still survive. these bonds are needed like never before as these ancient forests face unprecedented threats. at the ends of the earth is a land of extremes. home to spectacular wildlife. for centuries, people and animals have battled for supremacy. but now enemies are becoming allies. together they face new challenges in our rapidly changing world. you are at the mercy of the elements. this is the story of what it takes to survive. on the edge of the world. patagonia s forests are filled with fascinatiting wildlife and jaw-dropping vistas unlike anywhere else on earth. we re on a journey of discovery through patagonia s wild woodlands, from its northern rainforests to the tip of south america where the trees have to tough out long, freezing winters. forests filled with a host of miraculous creatures. many found nowhere else on earth. today, though, these ancient woodlands are under siege, sometimes from surprisi
patagonia s forests are magical places. here age-old relationships between animals, people and trees still survive. these bonds are needed like never before as these ancient forests face unprecedented threats. at the ends of the earth is a land of extremes. home to spectacular wildlife. for centuries, people and animals have battled for supremacy. but now enemies are becoming allies. together they face new challenges in our rapidly changing world. you are at the mercy of the elements. this is the story of what it takes to survive. on the edge of the world . patagonia s forests are filled with fascinating wildlife and jaw-dropping vistas unlike anywhere else on earth. we re on a journey of discovery through patagonia s wild woodlands, from its northern rainforests to the tip of south america where the trees have to tough out long, freezing winters. forests filled with a host of miraculous creatures. many found nowhere else on earth. today, though, these ancient woodlands a
patagonia s forests are magical places. here age-old relationships between animals, people and trees still survive. these bonds are needed like never before as these ancient forests face unprecedented threats. at the ends of the earth is a land of extremes. home to spectacular wildlife. for centuries, people and animals have battled for supremacy. but now enemies are becoming allies. together they face new challenges in our rapidly changing world. you are at the mercy of the elements. this is the story of what it takes to survive. on the edge of the world . patagonia s forests are filled with fascinating wildlife and jaw-dropping vistas unlike anywhere else on earth. we re on a journey of discovery through patagonia s wild woodlands, from its northern rainforests to the tip of south america where the trees have to tough out long, freezing winters. forests filled with a host of miraculous creatures. many found nowhere else on earth. today, though, these ancient woodlands a
distinct spiny leaves evolved as a defense against hungry long-necked dinosaurs. but today s visitors are less destructive. though they do raise a racket. austral parakeets, the southernmost species of parrot on earth. a restless bunch, they flit from tree to tree in flocks of up to 15 birds. when they find a good feeding spot, numbers can swell to over 100. their preferred way to fatten up for the winter?
america, they were once far more common. they re hanging on in a few remote spots, peppered along the slopes of patagonia s volcanoes in both chile and argentina. reaching up to 160 feet, these giants are survivors from the jurassic era more than 145 million years ago. distinct spiny leaves evolved as a defense against hungry long-necked dinosaurs. but today s visitors are less destructive. though they do raise a racket. austral parakeets, the