emergency funding
The Austin Economic Development Department has announced the awarding of $1,340,000 in relief grants to 67 local live music venues impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The funding was provided through the Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Fund, which is a $5 million program established by the Austin City Council on Dec. 3, 2020. As part of a partnership with the city, the Long Center processed applications and distributed grants as part of the program’s Phase 1 of emergency funding.
Applications that were submitted by the deadline on Monday will continue to be processed and notifications sent out this week. The city will continue to provide updated metrics for economic impact through the online dashboard for the Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Fund.
eligible for funds
The Austin Economic Development Department recently announced the launch of the Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Fund.
Applications will be open through 5 p.m. Jan. 11.
The City Council established the $15 million Save Austin’s Vital Economic Sectors Fund and adopted the final guidelines for the $5 million preservation fund Dec. 3. The Long Center for the Performing Arts will provide application assistance, process applications and administer funds.
Eligible live music venues must be in an Austin City Council district, must meet the city’s definition of a live music venue and must have significantly reduced operations since March. Applicants must also meet or exceed the city’s COVID-19 safety guidelines, which can be found at austintexas.gov/covid19.