are continually run against watch lists. 85% of aviation airports have programs similar to neighborhood watch, and many have perimeter security like fencing, but none of it stopped joseph andrew stack from slamming into a building thursday morning. pilots have argued for years that an suv packed with explosives could do more damage than a small plane, but the austin crash did plenty. wolf? lots of speculation out there, jeanne, that this plane and the regular fuel couldn t have done this type of damage, there must have been some other stuff on that plane, where explosives or whatever, that could have caused that kind of damage. what are you hearing? it s a key part of the investigation, wolf. i m told that plane probably carried about 80 gallons of fuel. people familiar with what fuel can do thinks this looks bigger, but nothing definitive from investigators yet to whether they found anything else in that wreckage in austin. when you say two bodies have