LAST week’s two-day Henley Masters Regatta, held on Friday and Saturday, provided some good races and successes for host club Upper Thames and Henley Rowi.
Get fit to row is a new idea by Phil Argent, Phil moved to Harrogate 5-years ago.
He has rowed for 30 years, rowed at Henley a number of times, coached elite level athletes, been a club captain, a business owner and a fitness fan and rowing head for many years.
Phil said:
Build a boat club from the engine room out, which is a very different way of doing things. Most rowing clubs would bring people into a club by doing the water technical thing first and then fitness, but this is the wrong way.
The idea of Get Fit to Row was first trialled at 2 rowing clubs in London, Auriol Kensington in Hammersmith during 2012 London Olympics year and the year after at Quintin Boat Club in Chiswick. The idea was to get as many people the opportunity to get “involved in rowing”. Its a great sport but can be hard to access unless you have done some rowing before, the old catch 22, never done it, hard to get into. Hard to get into, no one does it.