The incident took place on Wazirabad Road in Sialkot, where the workers of private factories attacked the export manager of a factory and burnt his body over allegations of blasphemy.
The judicial magistrate made a request for recording his statement online. Reuters/File
KARACHI: An antiterrorism court summoned on Wednesday a judicial magistrate to record his testimony about a ‘confession’ of alleged Lyari kingpin Uzair Baloch about kidnapping and murder of two Rangers personnel.
Baloch, the chief of the defunct Peoples Amn Committee, faces dozens of case of murder, kidnapping, extortion and terrorism pending before the sessions’ and antiterrorism courts in Karachi.
Since January 2021, he has been acquitted in around 21 cases.
On Wednesday, the ATC-XVI judge was set to record the testimony of judicial magistrate Syed Imran Imam Zaidi, who had purportedly recorded confessional statement of Uzair in the present case in 2016.
The art of blackmail
The Hazara community can hardly be blamed for taking steps to demand the Prime Minister’s attention
The writer is a lawyer, formerly practising and teaching law in Lahore, and currently based in Singapore. He holds an LLM from New York University where he was a Hauser Global Scholar. He tweets @HNiaziii
Leadership without empathy leads to tragedy.
That the Prime Minister has little patience for political dissent is clear. Yet, even his most cynical opponents must have been shocked at how he managed to make a protest by a persecuted minority all about himself.
The term ‘gaslighting’ refers to a method where someone is manipulated into questioning their own sanity. A form of psychological manipulation that is abhorrent if done by an ordinary person, it is especially distressing if done by an elected Prime Minister towards an oppressed group.