AUGUSTA Einin Riddle of Sidney is just 14 years old but has accomplished something fewer than 6% of all Scouts achieve she earned the Eagle Scout rank, according to a news release from Kennebec Valley District Chairman Chuck Mahaleris. A presentation was held at the Augusta Lodge of Elks on April 6. Riddle […]
The knock-on effects of housing large numbers of Ukrainian refugees in Westport risks damaging the town’s long-term future as a “jewel in the crown” of Irish to
The second annual Maine Children’s Cancer Program/FORKS weekend, which ran Aug. 25-28, raised more than $45,500 for MCCP. More than 200 Elks participated, representing 17 lodges, according to a news release from Lina Michaud of Augusta Lodge No. 964. Last year, organizers Mike and Lina Michaud, past exalted rulers of the lodge, came up with […]