MHMar 3, 2021
Fox 45 News uncovered a shocking story. A Baltimore City high school student passed only three classes in four years, with a GPA of 0.13, is somehow ranked near the top half of his class!!
Tiffany France, mother of the student, is astonished to learn that her son is being sent back to the 9th grade after thinking he was about to graduate. He s stressed and I am too. I told him I m probably going to start crying. I don t know what to do for him. Why would he do three more years in school? He didn t fail, the school failed him. The school failed at their job. They failed. They failed, that s the problem here. They failed. They failed. He didn t deserve that, she told FOX 45.
photo credit: Bigstock
The otherwise sterling reputation of Baltimore City took a hit last week when the local news reported on the plight of Tiffany France. She is the mother of a 17-year-old son, who was just informed he will have to start high school over again. She thought he was on pace to graduate this spring, but it turns out that he passed just three classes in four years and was carrying a 0.13 grade point average.
Now, failing students are not a new thing. Students passing through the American public school system without learning much of anything is not new either. In the urban jungles of places like Baltimore, the public schools are gladiator academies. They are pre-prison, where young males learn to function as a gang member or learn how to navigate around the gangs. They also keep the kids off the streets during the day.
With the utmost of respect for teachers, I still have to ask. WHAT? How does a kid only pass three classes in ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL, earn a .13 GPA and still have half of his class LOWER than him?
With the utmost of respect for teachers, I still have to ask. WHAT? How does a kid only pass three classes in ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL, earn a .13 GPA and still have half of his class LOWER than him?
With the utmost of respect for teachers, I still have to ask. WHAT? How does a kid only pass three classes in ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL, earn a .13 GPA and still have half of his class LOWER than him?