mcconnell continues to ignore calls to end the senate s five-week long august renecessary order to hold a vote on a bill passed by the house that would expand background checks. despite this weekend s tragic mass shootings in el paso and dayton, it is unlikely he will bring back lawmakers. republicans on capitol hill have no reason to believe that mcconnell who is home resting from a fall would call the senate back into session. he has opposed legislation in the aftermath of every previous mass shooting. joining me now, hans nichols who is in louisville, kentucky, for us, mitch mcconnell s home state and platco seni politico seniod msnbc analyst. hans, do mcconnell s constituents want stronger gun measures? reporter: well, it s hard to say, right? it seems like attitudes are shifting ever so slightly, but there isn t a fundamental change in thinking here. we re here, as you mentioned,